07 October 2021
FIRE AND SMOKE ALARMS New regulations 2022


New legislation does not apply to park homes

The Scottsh Governement is introducing new standards for fire and smoke alarms in all homes in Scotland from February 2022, but this will not apply to park homes.

From this date, every home must have:

a smoke alarm in the living room and in circulation spaces such as hallways and landings

a heat alarm in every kitchen

all alarms ceiling mounted and interlinked

a carbon monoxide alarm where there are fixed combustion appliances such as boilers and wood burners

The new rules mean the standard which currently applies to private rented property and new-builds is being extended to all homes in Scotland.

An enquiry to the Scottish Government on the application of the legislation to park homes brought the response below...

The new standard will not apply to park homes. The reason is that they are not covered by the definition of house in the legislation.

Simon Roberts  Policy Manager: Housing Standards and Quality

The WWRA committee endorses this new level of precautions and urges park home residents, for their own safety, to ensure adequate fire safety.  Please check your detectors, esnure the batteries are working, test all detectors regularly and if you do not have a carbon monoxide detector,WWRA recommends you install one.  These are available online or from DIY stores.  If in any any doubt about your level of precautions, contact your local fire station for safety advice.

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